Nick searchy tv#
And maybe as a little payback read a few of them in national tv just like they did with Liz Cheney, reading Mark Meadows phone records between his texts back and for with Don Jr, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Brian Kilmead. Also while the Republicans are at it, since the Democrats like to do it so much, take a subpoena to each one of the cell phone of these January 6 select committee members since January 4,2021 up until they get disbanded and get all their cell phone records. What a bunch of tools those guys are!!!!?Īnd whatever else there fake committee hearings have been having. (Geez they should go try working in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Seattle, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Georgia, just any State in this Country. How Much Does Anyone On Here Want To Bet Me That Everyone Who Is On That January 6 Select Committee, If They Aren’t Retiring By 2022, They Will Never Win Their Re Election? Please Bet Me?Īnyway ,once the Republicans take the House back in 2022 that Democrat lead January 6 Select Committee will be disbanded and the New Speaker of the House (a Republican, I Really Hope It Is Not Kevin McCarthy, because I just Don’t Trust His A**, But A Good Solid America First Republican Will Be Elected By All The Republicans To Be Speaker of the House) & they will set up a Committee right away and get out these 14,000 Security Tapes to the Public and get All of those January 6th political prisoners released one day one!! And re do all those made for tv (CSPAN) committee interviews (like the ones with those spineless cops, that all they did was fake cry because they were supposedly called the N word and other things. If it was so bad then why is Nancy Pelosi not letting the over 14,000 of Security Tapes to be viewed by We The People? It is Our House, after all.

These Democrat fools that are holding these January 6 select committee hearings are a freaking ? They know nothing happened at all that was bad on January 6th. You can preorder it now and watch it on Thanksgiving Day. TLP: When does Capitol Punishment debut and where can people watch/buy it? Where can they follow you online? It is shocking to see this happening in America. It is sinister, it is evil, and this is political persecution just like you would see in North Korea or Cuba or Venezuela. And that way when someone takes the plea deal, they can then brag that they convicted a domestic terrorist who admitted it. They want to get as many of these people as they can to take a plea deal for something they didn’t do by threatening them with 62 years, 28 years, 30 years if they go to trial. As a result, most of these people have court appointed attorneys that in most cases are not really working for their clients but working for the government. They are not people who can spend tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, on a legal defense. Most of the people that they are persecuting are not rich people. NS: They will never stop lying about it, because for them to admit the truth about it will expose their other Crimes. 6-that it was an insurrection, and that the government isn’t persecuting the peaceful protesters? TLP: How far will journalists, the government, and the rest of the ruling class go to spread the Big Lie about Jan. vxFwPfhbW2- Nick Searcy, INSURRECTIONAL FILM & TELEVISION STAR November 22, 2021 Learn all about it in my movie, to be released on Thanksgiving Day. The and the are both made up of liars who carry out the intimidation tactics ordered by the corrupt Democrat party.